Thursday, February 14, 2008

Drug Abuse Treatment

Drug Abuse Treatment

Drug abuse has been a growing problem in the world for many years now. And with more sophisticated drugs finding their way into clubs and other hangouts, it is relatively easier for teens and adults to be lured into substance abuse.

Many people believe that they can stop themselves before they get addicted to the substance. Most times though, intervention is needed to make them stop. And interventions are usually at a cost.

Treatment of Drug Addiction (drug abuse treatment)

The treatment of substance abuse depends on the type of drug used by the patient and the duration of abuse. A patient’s attitude is usually altered by the abuse but treatment can also be customized according to his characteristics. Treatment can come in the form of medical intervention through the use of therapeutic drugs and procedures or through counseling. But the best treatment program, as it has been found out, is the one that combines various therapies that address the problem and disease in its entirety.

Scientific and Effective Treatment (drug abuse treatment)

Over the years, experts in drug addiction rehabilitation have formulated more effective means of dealing with curing patients of this disease. As drug abuse almost always result from various factors such as family life, financial, emotional and mental conditions, and lifestyle beliefs, therapists approach treatment in a more holistic strategy.

To deal with the problem at its core, patients need to undergo behavioral therapy that delves into counseling, cognitive and physiotherapy. These procedures teach the patient ways to prevent relapses by giving him knowledge on how to curb his cravings. This is combined with medications that suppress the patient’s craving for the drug he is addicted to. With this method, success rate is higher than in those that only use either.

Greater success rates are experienced with after-treatment support. Patients who get continued assistance from other medical and psychological professionals are more likely able to rejoin society faster. Social services may also play an important role in keeping a former addict drug free.

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Drug Abuse Treatment Center - Making The Right Choice (drug abuse treatment)

Drug Abuse Treatment Center - Making The Right Choice

Choosing a drug abuse treatment center is an important decision. Not just another hospital treating a disease, the drug abuse treatment center is an important element in helping an addict overcome addiction and develop an ongoing strategy toward preventing a relapse. Forcing an addict to admit to a treatment center is rarely successful, and neither are purely mechanical or chemical treatments likely to prevent further abuse. Instead, the ideal drug abuse treatment center will recognize that focusing on patients regaining their sense of self-esteem, and respecting their pride and dignity will result in a much more successful treatment. The most effective treatment centers will target their program around the core issues of mutual respect and understanding, and allow the addict to regain their sense of self.

The Hidden Impact

Drug Abuse comes in many forms. It can be used to describe athletes using performance enhancing substances, overuse of a prescription medicine, as well as alcohol abuse and use of illegal narcotics. Dependency operates on both a physical and an emotional level, and leaves addicts incapable of relating to anything other than their intense desire for further use. Addictions often destroy families, friendships, and careers. In addition to altering their personality and affecting their lifestyle, habitual use often leads to kidney and liver failure, increased risk of infectious disease, and a general breakdown of health and vitality. It is estimated that over 28 million Americans are abusing drugs.

Treatment Center Options

Each drug abuse treatment center will have its own approach to overcoming addiction. Also, each treatment will need to be tailored not only to the specific form, but also to the addict himself. For example, the treatment for a heroin addiction will differ from that for alcohol dependency, just as the treatment of a happy-go-lucky alcoholic will differ from the treatment of a suicidal alcohol abuser.

Choosing the right drug abuse treatment center can be an overwhelming experience, particularly if the addict is without support of friends and family. Preparing a list of questions to ask, and calling several different centers will give an overview of the type of treatment available. There should be a professional, trained staff with a good track record of successful recoveries. The facilities themselves should be clean and safe, preferably with an atmosphere that will help facilitate the addict's recovery.


Detoxification will be the main objective in the first part of the treatment. By eliminating the toxins from the addict's body, withdrawal symptoms will be decreased, and the patient will start to feel in control of themselves in the process. It is crucial that the drug abuse treatment center have a professional, trained staff to deal with this traumatic element of the process. Depending on the drug, the first stages of withdrawal can be a tremendous physical and psychological ordeal. The facility should be well equipped to handle all aspects of the detoxification, and should provide a safe and controlled environment in which the patient can recover and move on to the next stage.


The recovery process is an ongoing aspect in the treatment of drug abuse. The drug abuse treatment center will help the recovering addict to regain a sense of control over their life, and provide them with mental tools to support themselves once they are ready to leave the facility and get back into the world. Again, a personal touch is important as each addict will experience recovery in his or her own way. Friends and family are important at this time, and reconnecting with them can be a critical step in recovery. Sometimes, the loss of trust is so acute that it can be difficult to find friends and family willing to help in the recovery. A good drug abuse treatment center will help bridge the gap, and get the much needed support the recovering addict needs.

The effective drug abuse treatment center is one which recognizes the addict as a real person, with a real problem. At their core, they should understand that increasing a patient's sense of self-esteem, and providing an atmosphere of dignity and respect are critical to a successful recovery. At the same time, they must be prepared to deal with all aspects of the difficult drug withdrawal and detoxification phase, and be able to provide the patient with the psychological tools they will need to deal with life 'on the outside'. Also, they should be able to facilitate healing damage between family and friends, and enlisting their help in the ongoing recovery process.

The drug abuse treatment center is a cornerstone to helping a recovering addict to beat the addiction and find their way back into their life.

For more information on this and other Natural Treatment Alternatives, please visit:

Brent Craig is a researcher and writer with a dedicated interest in Natural Health Alternatives.

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The Best Drug Treatment Programs and Drug Addiction Treatment (drug abuse treatment)

The Best Drug Treatment Programs and Drug Addiction Treatment (drug abuse treatment).

Platinum Quality Author

The best drug treatment program is a term thrown around quite easily these days. Whether there is a best drug treatment program is up for debate , but there are drug treatment programs that are better than others.

What Makes One Drug Addiction Treatment Program Better Than Another

While all drug addiction treatment programs state they are the best, there can be vast differences. A few of these differences are;

* Some drug addiction treatment programs only receive state licensure, while others recieive their Joint Commission Accreditation.

* A drug treatment program can provide their own drug detox program, while others refer those patients out to other detox centers.

* Look at the drug treatment facility itself, it is obvious which drug treatment centers realize the facility itself plays an important role in a persons recovery

* Does the drug treatment facility employ physicians trained in addiction treatment medicine and are ASAM certified (American Society of Addiction Medicine)

Does the drug treatment center provide specialty drug treatment programs?

A specialty service in the drug addiction program could be for sexual trauma, eating disorders, dual diagnosis or even treatment for the gay and lesbian community. A specialty program for the LGBT community might include staff trained in dealing with issues specific to the gay community, as well as, groups specific to the gay population. A dual diagnosis treatment program would include psychiatrists trained in addiction medicine and an addiction treatment staff capable of dealing with mental health issues.

Jonathan Huttner is one of the founders of a national addiction treatment helpline 1-800-511-9225, which can help you locate effective treatment anywhere in the United States. Take your time when looking for a drug treatment program. Anyone can find one but finding a drug addiction treatment program capable of meeting your specific needs is another task. If you require assistance in locating a drug treatment program or dual diagnosis treatment center, you can always call the national addiction treatment helpline at 1-800-511-9225.

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Drug Abuse Treatments

This article is about drug abuse treatments.

Drug Abuse Treatments

As treatment of drug abuse should suit the specific needs of the individual concerned, there is no one treatment that can be used in all cases. The choice of treatment also depends on which drug is being abused. Psychological therapies, such as behavior therapy, and medication to help the individual with withdrawal symptoms are components of the treatment program. The areas that may deserve special attention during treatment include detoxification, i.e., the process of stopping the drug while coping with physical addiction, relapse prevention and long-term rehabilitation.

Behavior therapies generally include counseling, psychotherapy, support groups, or family therapy. Medications assist in suppressing the withdrawal symptoms and drug craving, and in blocking the effects of drugs.

Moreover, studies reveal that treatment for heroin addiction using methadone at an adequate dosage level combined with behavior therapy successfully reduces death rates and many health problems arising out of heroin abuse. Acupuncture has been found to be effective in treating the cravings that accompany cocaine withdrawal. The procedure is now being applied on pregnant drug abusers to improve the health of their babies.

Nonresidential programs serve the largest number of drug abusers. Among residential facilities are hospitals, group homes, halfway houses, and therapeutic communities, such as Phoenix House and Daytop Village, where most of the daily activities are treatment-related. Programs like Al-Anon, CoAnon, and Alateen, 12-step programs for family and friends of drug abusers, help them to break out of codependent cycles.

For every person undergoing drug treatment there are an estimated three or four people in dire need of it. There are many who try to get treatment, especially from public facilities, but are put off by waits of over a month to get in. Assessment of the effectiveness of treatment is difficult because of the chronic nature of drug abuse and alcoholism. And more so because the disease is generally made more complicated by personal, social, and legal factors.

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Drug Abuse Treatment Centers

This article is about drug abuse treatment centers.

Drug Abuse Treatment Centers

Choosing a drug treatment center can be one of the most crucial decisions of your life. It is of vital importance that you consider a few factors before arriving at a decision.

Drug abuse is a disease that requires a doctor specializing in addiction medicine to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. You must ensure that a drug abuse treatment center can offer a variety of treatment programs that meet your needs. These programs may comprise inpatient, residential, outpatient, and/or short-stay options. Then another important question arises: how much does a drug treatment center cost? The price tag for treatment is presented in many kinds of formats. You must have a clear idea of what is included, what will be added to your bill as a fee-for-service program, and what services will be covered by your health insurance.

Inquire if the center has provisions for on-site medical care. It is advantageous, since physicians and nurses provide 24-hour hospital services to monitor and ensure a safe withdrawal from drugs. Check the center’s medical credentials and accreditation.

Do not forget to ask which medical costs are included in the price of treatment at the center. As family involvement is a crucial component of recovery, ask if there is any time devoted to family programs, and if group therapy is included. Keep in mind that drug rehabilitation treatment programs should include a continuing care program that supports and monitors recovery.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides on-line resources for locating drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs. The Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator lists private and public facilities that are licensed, certified, or otherwise approved for inclusion by their state substance abuse agency

All information in the locator is completely updated each year, based on facility responses to SAMHSA's National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services. New facilities are added monthly. Updates to facility names, addresses, and telephone numbers are made monthly, if facilities inform SAMHSA of changes.

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Drug Abuse Treatment

This article is about drug abuse treatment.

Drug Abuse Treatment

The roots of drug abuse are often found in a disturbed childhood and puberty; if not; then what starts off often as an ostentation of respective macho-ness grows into a compulsive habit within no time. Perhaps it is the only field where the teenagers and the young adults never fall short of ambition. For the aged, it is a different story altogether; while some begin because of unmatched wealth accumulated all in a sudden; others start off to seek an easy refuge from psychological, sociological and finance-related problems. However, all roads lead to Rome and all these so-called Romans must be brought under drug abuse treatment.

Prior to commencing further upon the details regarding drug abuse treatment, it is vital to differentiate between a drug abuser and a drug addict. This is chiefly due to the fact that what may easily allay the agonies of the former may not at all have an effect on the other. Drug abuse treatment can be a mild process or a severe one, depending upon the intensity of the use.

Drug abuse treatment is the last refuge sought when a certain individual starts showing certain symptoms including irritability, insomnia, convulsions, anxiety, paranoia, violent behavior, memory loss, learning problems, increased heart rate, lethargy and panic attacks due to no apparent reasons. Psychoactive or prescription, the general symptoms do not vary much but one must also be aware that psychoactive drug abuse treatment has some difference with prescription drug abuse treatment while involving medicament though the basic psychological drug abuse treatment is more or less the same.

Drug abuse treatment must start at home, for no counselor can be as compassionate as the nearer and dearer ones to the abuser. Compassion plays a large role and can bring forth positive outcomes if the problem is in its initial stage; the developing stages can be handled by reducing slowly the quantity in a careful and discreet manner. Besides, getting the victim under drug abuse treatment interested in constructive and recreational activities diverts his/her mind from the compulsive urge. But this kind of drug abuse treatment is effective for the victims who have developed a psychological dependence; for the ones with physical dependence, professionals should administer drug abuse treatment besides doctors with specialization in the field of drug abuse treatment.

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Drug Abuse (drug abuse treatment)

This article is about drug abuse and the choice of drug abuse treatment.

Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is the chronic or habitual use of a drug for a non-medical purpose, with the objective of altering states of body and mind for the user. The use of illegally produced drugs and the abuse of legal drugs are both included here. For example, not only illegal drugs such as cannabis, heroin, cocaine or ecstasy, but also legal drugs like tranquilizers, painkillers and sleeping pills can be abused. Some even abuse cough syrups and herbal medicines.

Drug abuse may cause death or injury by overdose, accident or aggression, and can damage the brain, liver and mental health. It also causes harm to self, family and friends, and is fraught with serious legal consequences like imprisonment and hefty fines.

Drug abuse by young people is very common, which can lead to disastrous consequences in the future. A large proportion of deaths in people between 15 and 24 are reportedly caused by drug or alcohol abuse. Such abuse also leads to violent criminal acts, such as assault, murder or rape. Some young people also take to drugs to overcome depression and anxiety.

If a young member of your family suddenly starts performing badly in school, makes a new group of friends, behaves in a delinquent manner or tries to keep aloof from other family members, you have some reasons to be suspicious. Physical signs like red eyes, nagging cough, and changes in eating and sleeping habits should also serve as warning signals.

In most cases, a specialist is needed for treatment of drug abuse. The choice of treatment will depend on the specific needs of the individual concerned, and the drug that is being abused. Treatments include psychological therapies, and medication to help the patient with withdrawal symptoms. The areas that deserve special attention during treatment include detoxification, relapse prevention and long-term rehabilitation.

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Please visit the archive for more readings about drug abuse treatment, drug abuse treatment centers, drug abuse treatment programs, drug abuse treatment (residential).

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